The Course of Our Lives

We are the functioning of a great mystery.  There is no way to truly explain what the happening of this moment is, what we are, or why this moment is occurring the way it is … but we are not without guidance in living our lives.  Each of us is given a deep feeling of what feels right, and what feels wrong, in all areas of life.

This feeling is not a passing whim.  It is a deep-seated impression of what feels healthy and what feels unhealthy.  What feels safe and what feels unsafe.  The feeling of what makes most sense and what does not make sense.  What feels most meaningful and what does not feel meaningful.

Most people believe that our thoughts direct our lives, but this is not true.  It is our deepest feelings that direct our lives and it is those feelings that give meaning to our existence.  In the same way that migratory birds are given an urge to fly in a certain direction, existence gives each one of us our deep urges and intuitions.

Since no two expressions of existence are ever identical, the feelings of another person cannot guide us.  Life gives each of us a certain potential that is different from every other apparent person.   No one else knows what your life should be.  We can listen to the information, and advice, that others may offer us, but each of us will have to feel out what feels most right, in any moment.

This does not mean that our feelings will always be clear or that our feelings at age three, will be our feelings at age forty-three.  But if we stay true to what feels most meaningful to us, at any age, within the options that life is offering, we will live a satisfying life.

If we are without direction, we can withdraw to solitude and our deepest urges and intuitions will push themselves forward to reveal our next step.